International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2004 Volume 14 Number 2

  • Cover Page
  • Editorial Board and Information for Authors
  • Aims and Scope
  • Contents
  • Kalita P. - Koiter shell governed by strongly monotone constitutive equations
  • Waniewski J ., Jędruch W. and Żołek N.S. - Dynamic stability and spatial heterogeneity in the individual-based modelling of a Lotka-Volterra gas
  • Tokarzewski J . - A note on some characterization of invariant zeros in singular systems and algebraic criteria of nondegeneracy
  • Duda Z. and Brandys W. - Two-level stochastic control for a linear system with nonclassical information
  • Ławryńczuk M. and Tatjewski P . - An infinite horizon predictive control algorithm based on multivariable input-output models
  • Kaczorek T. and Busłowicz M . - Minimal realization for positive multivariable lineał systems with delay
  • Edelmayer A., Bokor J., Szabo Z. and Szigeti F . - Input reconstruction by means of system inversion: A geometric approach to fault detection and isolation in      nonlinear systems
  • Ibrir S. and Diop S . - A numerical procedure for filtering and efficient high-order signal differentiation
  • Mansouri A. , Chenafa M., Bouhenna A. and Etien E. - Powerful nonlinear observer associated with field-oriented control of an induction motor
  • Galvão R.K.H. , Becerra V.M., Calado J.M.F. and Silva P.M. - Linear-wavelet networks
  • Mustafa G. , Chen F. and Huang Z. - Ternary wavelets and their applications to signal compression
  • San O.M. , Huynh V.-N. and Nakamori Y. - An alternative extension of the k -means algorithm for clustering categorical data
  • Katarzyniak R.P . and Pieczyńska-Kuchtiak A. - Grounding and extracting modal responses in cognitive agents: ‘AND' query and states of incomplete knowledge
  • Kościelny C. - A new approach to the elgamal encryption scheme