Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red.
The perspectives of development of co-operation on the Polish-German borderland in the first years of the Third Republic of Poland (1989-1993) became, as it was in case of Germany, the subject of interest of domestic policy-makers and researchers. Thus, on the one hand it is justified to present the shape and character of political discussions about this topic which were held among political environments. On the other hand, it is well-founded to show the ideas of development of contacts in the area of the borderland which were formulated by scientists. ; It seems that this kind of analysis (whose time frames were defined by the session of the "roundtable" and parlamentary election from 1993) allows us to depict the specification of native discussions and projects which raise the issue of development of bilateral co-operation in the area of the borderland. Especially, if it concerns the influence of a range of factors on the condition of these disputes and projects. Amidst them, the most significant part play, among others: the condition of the inner nature (attitudes and public feeling), outer nature (related to the restructure of the lineup of the parties in the international area) and, what is particularly crucial, the level of knowledge of analogical discussions and concepts observed on the German side which was the contribution of native politicians and scientists.
Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Feb 14, 2022
Mar 30, 2021
Glinka, Kamil Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red.
Korcz, Władysław (1913-1997) Szczegóła, Hieronim (1931- ) - red.
Bartkiewicz, Kazimierz (1930-2002) Bartkiewicz, Kazimierz (1930-2002) - red.
Skobelski, Robert (1968- ) - red. Bobowski, Bogdan Karczewska, Joanna Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof Kuczer, Jarosław Konopnicka, Małgorzata Ostrowski, Grzegorz Łukasiewicz, Dariusz Nodzyński, Tomasz Siemaszko, Karol Koteluk, Daniel Sikorski, Juliusz Skobelski, Robert Nitschke, Bernadetta Krawczyk, Danuta Wyder, Grażyna Polak, Alina Domke, Radosław
Osękowski, Czesław (1952- ) - red. Mańczak, Witold Malinowski, Tadeusz Nowiński, Jerzy Tomasz Dzieduszycki, Wojciech Przybył, Maciej Rymar, Edward Konopnicka-Szatarska, Małgorzata Świderska-Włodarczyk, Urszula Kozioł, Sylwia Kosiorek, Hanna Dolański, Dariusz Marszałek, Grzegorz Halczak, Bohdan Dzwonkowski, Tadeusz Wallis, Janina Skobelski, Robert Sikorski, Juliusz Kowalczuk, Zygmunt Juckiewicz, Paweł Techman, Ryszard Zawadka, Marek Sługocki, Waldemar Chodyła, Zbigniew
Strzyżewski, Wojciech (1960- ) - red. Bobowski, Bogdan Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof Sprungala, Martin Techmańska, Barbara Świderska-Włodarczyk, Urszula Kuczer, Jarosław Belzyt, Leszek Kurowska, Hanna Adamek, Katarzyna. Aut. Górski, Adam Rauba, Ryszard Bujkiewicz, Zbigniew Eckert, Marian Bil, Monika Vaculik, Jaroslav Sikorski, Juliusz Strauchold, Grzegorz Koteluk, Daniel Ordyłowski, Marek Staroń, Edyta. Aut. Skobelski, Robert Sługocki, Waldemar Rymar, Dariusz A. Malinowski, Tadeusz Pasierb, Bronisław Konopnicka-Szatarska, Małgorzata Kowalski, Stanisław Halczak, Bohdan Dolański, Dariusz
Strzyżewski, Wojciech (1960- ) - red. Bobowski, Bogdan Polak, Alina Serylak, Tadeusz. Aut. Podolan, Eligiusz Karp, Paweł Nowacki, Marek Świderska-Włodarczyk, Urszula Kałuski, Tomasz Kuczer, Jarosław Wójcik, Monika Nodzyński, Tomasz Banaszewski, Kamil Wyder, Grażyna Barciak, Antoni Pietrzyk, Iwona Struk, Tomasz Sikorski, Juliusz Ordyłowski, Marek Koteluk, Daniel Grelewicz, Beata Górski, Adam Ścigaj, Jerzy Halczak, Bohdan Szpaczyński, Przemysław
Dolański, Dariusz (1966 - ) - red. Karp, Paweł Górski, Adam Kuczer, Jarosław Adamczak, Marcin Janczys, Anna Mróz, Tomasz Bartkowiak, Przemysław Domke, Radosław Koteluk, Daniel Matusiak, Stanisław. Aut. Szczepańska, Anna Jarząbek, Wanda Skobelski, Robert Losik, Aleksandra Czechowicz, Bogusław Banaszewski, Kamil Dudra, Stefan Karczewska, Joanna Fabisz, Dariusz