@misc{Mazur_Tomasz_Definicja, author={Mazur, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The Stoics divided philosophy into three parts, physics (which was closer to what we today call ontology), logic (comprising what we today call logic, dialectics, epistemology and philosophy of language) and ethics (comprising elements of philosophical anthropology, traditional ethics, but also the theory of values, i.e. axiology). In my essay, I focus on a part of Stoic ethics, more precisely defined today as axiology. In the face of numerous problems in defining of what the Stoics understand by goodness, virtue and value, and drawing on some modern terminological distinctions, I am looking for a modern reinterpretation of Stoic thinking about values.}, abstract={For this purpose, I also refer to and interpret in detail the philosophy of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, who were the main inspiration for the ancient Stoics in the field of ethics, philosophical anthropology and axiology. The basic solution I propose is to introduce the notion of meta-value as a means of determining what is good, virtuous, and valuable. The main point of reference in explaining the essence of this meta-value in Stoicism is the category of reflexivity.}, type={rozdział w książce}, title={Definicja dobra i wartości w stoicyzmie: próba reinterpretacji = Definition of Good and Value in Stoicism}, keywords={wartość, dobro, metawartość, stoicyzm, etyka, values, goodness, meta-value, stoicism, ethics}, }